News Post

MiSiS Updates - January 10, 2020

Published 08/16/2024 Last Updated 09/16/2024 15:33:30

MiSiS Announcements:


English Learner

NEW: The i-Ready ELA assessment data for students in grades 3-12 will be used by various English Learner processes and reports. This assessment is considered a Basic Skills Assessment that has replaced the Reading Inventory (RI) and DIBELS 8 for students in grades 3-5. The Annual English Learner Letter and the EL Progress Profile have been enhanced to display the i-Ready ELA data for qualifying students. Students in grades K-2 will continue to display DIBELS 8 assessment data. The updated Generate EL Progress Profile Report job aid is available on the MiSiS website.


The following items have been enhanced/corrected in MiSiS2:



  • The Identifying Information screen has been enhanced and is now disabled for students that are not enrolled.
  • The Enroll Student screen has been corrected to display the Enroll link for students with future enrollment records.
  • The Mass Leave Reason screen has been corrected and no longer displays students multiple times.



  • The Section Attributes screen found in Sections Editor has been enhanced to provide elementary schools creating Grade TK or Grade Expansion TK sections access to three additional section attributes: “Additional TK Support,” “Employee Number,” and “Date Assigned.” Schools may assign additional staff to support if sections exceed the state-required capacity. The updated Adding Instructional Aides to TK and ETK Sections job aid is available on the MiSiS website.
  • The Section Attributes report has been enhanced to include three additional section attributes: “Additional TK Support,” “Employee Number,” and “Date Assigned” that are only available for elementary schools.
  • The Change Student Section screen has been enhanced to allow the Scheduling Administrator user role the ability to create Level 1 requests within 2 academic school years, create Level 2-4 requests which may only be created by the regional Counseling Coordinators, create Level 3 and 4 requests. Level 3 and 4 requests require the formal approval of the Regional Administrator of Instruction and the Director of Counseling Services. Schools need to work with their regional Counseling Coordinators for Level 1 and 2 requests and Level 3 and 4 requests that go beyond the 2 academic school years.
  • The Elementary Reorganization report has been enhanced to include the i-Ready ELA assessment data for qualifying students.
  • The Section Attributes screen found in Section Assignments has been enhanced to validate a teacher’s credentials/authorizations when creating sections for dual language education programs at approved secondary schools.
  • The Concurrent Term Editor screen has been corrected to prevent an error message from appearing upon clicking the “auto-populate” button.



  • The Profile screen Attendance Alert has been enhanced to display when SART or SARB are selected on the Intervention screen.


English Learner

  • The Initial ELPAC Label has been corrected to include all eligible students with an Initial ELPAC assessment as of the selected starting date.


Independent Study

  • A new report, Daily Participation Not Submittedhas been created for Long-Term/Full Time IS schools.
  • The Participation screen used by Long-Term/Full-Time IS Schools has been corrected to allow users to edit previously submitted records.
  • The Record of Assignment (ROA) screen has been corrected and no longer displays credit recovery sections.
  • The ROA Evaluation screen has been corrected to require attendance before saving the record.
  • The Master Agreement screen has been corrected to allow the District Administrator user role to view records for the previous school year.
  • The IS Supervising Designees parameter in the Master Agreement/ROA report has been corrected to display IS Supervising Designees in alphabetical order, and to include students no longer enrolled.


Student Support

  • A new screen, Intervention Mass Entry, has been created and is now available under the Advanced Search Actions menu.
  • The Intervention screen has been enhanced with fields for Mentorship Activity and Home Visits.
  • The Profile screen At-Risk Alert has been enhanced to display when At-Risk is selected on the Intervention Screen.
  • The View Contact Log History screen has been enhanced to include Home Visits entered in the Intervention screen.
  • The Student Support Summary report has been corrected to display record entries made by all, not just the assigned counselor.
  • The Behavior Emergency, SSPT Referral, Support Referrals automated emails have been enhanced with the removal of the student ID from the subject line to the body of the email per guidance of Office of General Counsel and U.S. Department of Education.